ngi group 株式会社(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表執行役社長:金子 陽三、証券コード:2497、以下「ngi group」)は、法人向けFacebookページ(旧名称:ファンページ)支援サービスとして「FacebookページSEO100+ 件サービス」を開始いたしました。
Find out the subtle, sneaky or downright stupid tricks that could get your website blacklisted from Google and Bing.
A link from one site to another can be a signal to search engines that a page has value (the site providing the link is recommending your page to its visitors). Also, how someone describes the page being linked is a signal. If I link to your site with the text “best burgers in town,” chances are your site is about burgers. Good ones!